The Big North Adult Conduct Code

Adults play Adults play a vital role in the development of our student‐athletes. Therefore, we believe that adults should:

– Be positive role models through actions that ensure that student/athletes have the best athletic experience possible.

– Be supportive of the team as a whole.

– Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, spectators, and support groups.

– Be respectful of all official's decisions.

– Be careful not to instruct players before or during games because your instructions may conflict with the coach’s plans or strategies.

– Praise student athletes in their attempts to improve themselves as athletes, students, and people.

– Gain an understanding and appreciation of the rules of the contest.

– Recognize and show appreciation for outstanding play by either team.

– Help our student/athletes learn that success is measured by the development of skills, not necessarily wins and losses.

– Take time to talk with the coaches in an appropriate manner at the proper time and in the proper place.

– Reinforce the school’s drug and alcohol free policies.

– Remember that it is a privilege to attend high school athletic contests.