Expectations of Student Athletes

The Northern Valley Regional extracurricular advisors/coaches have the following expectations for students who are candidates for extra‐curricular, co‐curricular and/or athletic activities. To help everyone better understand the time and effort required in order to participate in extracurricular activities, the advisors/coaches have compiled a list of expectations they would like parents and students to be aware of before he or she makes a decision to participate in an extracurricular, co‐curricular and/or athletic activities.

Students who participate in extracurricular, co‐curricular and/or athletic activities are expected to adhere to all school policies. In addition, students are expected to:

  1. Maximize their academic performance by attending class every day, by being attentive in class, and by meeting all course requirements. Students who schedule extra help should meet their teachers before school, during a common period or after school. Students who arrive late to an activity (after 3:15 PM) should present a late pass to their advisor/coach.

  2. Conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on their school, their activity/club/sport, their family and themselves. Behavior unbecoming of a Northern Valley student will result in disciplinary/educational action that could include, but is not limited to, suspension or removal from the activity/club/sport or counseling services. If the school receives information related to unbecoming behavior, a meeting will take place among the student, coach/advisor, and administrator to review the incident.

  3. Violation of the Northern Valley Regional High School Substance Abuse Policy will follow BOE Policy R5131.6, which is a suspension from school, the activity/club/sport, practice, and competition. Additional consequences may include the loss of leadership positions, suspension or dismissal from a team. Consequences will be determined after consultation with the advisor, coach, athletic director, assistant principal and the principal.

  4. Commit to their in‐season school activity/club/sport Students are not to regularly miss contests, practices, meetings, or other extra‐curricular related activities due to conflicts with non‐school or out‐of‐season activities. Missing a required activity/event will result in a loss of required participation credit or removal from the activity/ club/sport. If a student cannot commit to this policy, he or she should not participate in the extracurricular activity/club/sport.

  5. Avoid scheduling activities that conflict with contests, practices, meetings, and other related activities during the scheduled extra‐curricular activity/club/sport. Notify advisors/coaches as much in advance as possible of absences required for attendance at religious services or ceremonies. These will be considered excused absences.

  6. Comply with additional extra‐curricular activity/club/sport rules specified by each advisor/coach.

  7. Comply with the HIB Policy. Students may not participate in acts of HIB when they see them. They should constructively attempt to stop acts of HIB. They should report acts of HIB to designated school staff such as teachers, counselors or administrators.

  8. Adhere to our Technology Acceptable Use Policy.

Students who have concerns or complaints should:

  • First contact the advisor/coach of the activity/club/sport to discuss the issue.

  • If there remains a concern, the parent may follow‐up with the advisor/coach.

  • Only after this is done should the Assistant Principal be contacted.

Participation (e.g. leadership assignments, individual's role in an activity/club/sport, or “playing time”) in activities should be discussed with the coach/advisor.