As defined by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), Senior Options means a twelfth grade program for all high school seniors that will increase their options to begin preparing for a college education or a career following graduation following two basic standards. First, participating students must complete all high school graduation requirements. Second, the programs offered must provide multiple and diverse paths leading to success for all students. Twelfth grade options are coordinated through the Department of Education regional centers. Options include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Dual enrollment in college courses (both in the high school and at the college);

  2. Participation in structured learning experiences;

  3. Enrollment in technical courses (in the high school, college and proprietary schools);

  4. Participation in mentorships with teachers at grade schools;

  5. Study abroad offered through partnerships with out‐of‐state/county colleges through articulated agreements through exchange programs or with nationally or regionally accredited institutions of higher learning; and

  6. Capstone projects involved with in‐depth research projects designed for mastery learning culminating with a detailed performance assessment and exhibition that demonstrates research, learning, and involvement.

Structured Learning Experience (SLE) (N.J.A.C. 6A:19‐1.2, NJDOE) means ‐experiential, supervised educational activities designed to provide students with exposure to the requirements and responsibilities of specific job titles or job groups, and to assist them in gaining employment skills and making career and educational decisions. A structured learning experience may be either paid or unpaid, depending on the type of activities in which the student is involved. All structured learning experiences must adhere to applicable State and Federal child labor laws and other rules of the State Departments of Education and Labor. Structured learning experiences may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Apprenticeships;

  2. Community service;

  3. Cooperative education;

  4. Internships;

  5. Job shadowing;

  6. School‐based enterprises;

  7. Volunteer activities;

  8. Vocational student organizations; and

  9. Work Experience Career Exploration Program (WECEP)

For the 2018‐2019 school year, Northern Valley will offer the following Senior Options and Structured Learning Experiences (SLEs):

Dual Enrollment College Credit: Students in grades 11 and 12 studying various courses have the opportunity to participate in a dual enrollment program sponsored by Seton Hall University and Bergen Community College. Those students who enroll can earn college level credits directly from the university/college as well as achieving a grade in their Northern Valley course. Eligibility for this program is based on the regular course selection process.

BCC Prep: Students have the opportunity to enroll in courses at Bergen Community College and earn up to 18 college credits. Day or evening classes are available. NVRHS students may also participate in a half‐day dual enrollment program with BCC on their campus. Eligibility for this program is based on the regular course selection process.

Open Ingenuity Lab: The main goal of this course is to provide eleventh and twelfth grade students with an opportunity for a student driven, teacher guided, semi‐structured project/problem‐based learning experience. This course provides an opportunity for students who are interested in integrative Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) topics to engage in a related project‐based experience. Students will work with their teacher to identify their core ingenuity competencies, to propose a comprehensive project, and identify resources needed to accomplish their projects. They will then carry their project to fruition including a comprehensive presentation and assessment based upon the core ingenuity competencies. Eligibility for this program is based on the regular course selection process.

Cooperative Education**: The Cooperative Business Education (CBE) Work‐Experience Program is a strongly integrated and supervised cooperative venture of the Business Education Department and the business community. The school provides classroom training in developing business knowledge, workplace skills, and occupational information while the business community provides the employment where the students practice these skills and acquire experience that can only be gained on the job. Students work part‐time (a minimum of 15‐20 hours per week) in areas relating to their career goals. Community Based Internship (CBI) course will develop skills to educate students and prepare them for the transition from school to the world of work. CBI goals are directly related to objectives written in the student’s Individual Educational Programs (IEPs). Students will develop skills and strategies that promote personal responsibility related to employment. The values and competencies learned will support the student in practicing and achieving life goals. For the purpose of this course, the term internship can be defined as one of the following based on an individual's level of independence:

      • Community Based Internship: Structured learning experience during which the student will intern off campus toward a specific career path, and be supervised as needed

      • On Campus Internship: Student will intern on the campus of Northern Valley with moderate supervision.

      • Job Sampling: Students will participate in supervised job sampling.

Eligibility for these programs is based on the regular course selection process.

Honors Independent Study Capstone: To provide a rigorous opportunity for students to explore their talents, passions, and interests in a real world setting. In addition, it provides a forum for students to showcase their original research, similar to what would occur in college and in our global society. Students will receive high school credit and recognition on a transcript for participating in real world problem‐solving applications. This experience will occur outside of the school day. Students will have the opportunity to submit a proposal in the fall of their senior year.

Teaching Mentorship** : Teaching Mentorship is a program of study which includes supervised practical training in an educational setting. Students develop workplace readiness skills, professionalism, and independence. Students will also have an opportunity through observation, interview and study to develop an understanding of the teaching profession. Preference for this program is offered to students who have successfully completed Child Development. High school students will be active participants during and after the regular school day at one of the Northern Valley sending district’s elementary schools or high schools. The regular classroom teacher and/or local school administrator will determine participation.

Community Service** : National and Community Service Project (P.L. 106‐170, National and Community Service Act) means any project, program or undertaking designed to provide, or assist in providing, activities or services to promote conservation, restoration or preservation of natural resources, open space of the environment, or the public health, education and welfare among the general population or segments of the population having identifiable needs or deficiencies. Students will be able to receive high school credit by participating in a project that is designed to enhance and augment some aspect of the Northern Valley Community. Educational experiences will take place outside the school building during and/or after the regular school day or as determined by the representative of the community that is responsible for overseeing the project.

Job Shadow/Professional Internship** : Job Shadowing (N.J.A.C. 12:56‐18.1, NJDOL) means the process by which a student determines by observation, interview and study the pertinent information related to an occupation. Information can include such factors as qualifications for employment, functions performed, necessary skills and knowledge, equipment and material used, and physical demands and working environment. Internship (N.J.A.C. 12:56‐18.1, NJDOL) is a program of study, which includes supervised practical training. Students develop workplace readiness skills, professionalism, and independence. Students will also have an opportunity through observation, interview and study to develop an understanding of specific occupations. Information can include such factors as qualifications for employment, functions performed, necessary skills and knowledge, equipment and materials used, required education, physical demands and working environment. Certain employers may require students to work one day per week as opposed to the intensive timeframe between May and June. The requests will be handled on a case‐by‐case basis and must be approved by the principals or designee.

** Programs are classified as SLE Programs

In order to remain eligible for the Teaching Mentorship, Service Learning/Volunteering, and Unpaid Internships/Job Shadowing Structured Learning Experience students must meet the following requirements:

    • Student has a positive behavior record as related to disciplinary referrals and attendance. There must be no suspensions (see privilege reinstatement provisions), outstanding detentions or obligations and students must be in good standing.

    • Students who have exceeded 10 unexcused absences in any class or school by the first day of the program will be ineligible.

    • Students who have exceeded 10 tardies to school by the first day of the program will be ineligible.

    • Students who have exceeded 5 unexcused absences in any semester 2 course will be ineligible.

    • Students who take classes during their senior year that are out of sequence and required for graduation, must meet with the subject supervisor at the time of application.

    • Students who have not completed all course requirements and/or are failing a course for the year (F1), or earning lower than a C- for fourth marking period in any course, are not permitted to participate.

    • Any student suspended for substance related incidents that wishes to be considered for reinstatement of privileges/eligibility in order to participate in the Structured Learning Experience, must follow the guidelines as stated in the updated procedures/regulations outlined in BOE policy regulations 5131.6. Please refer to the BOE 5131.6 policy.