Attendance Policy

BOE Attendance Policy

BOE Illness Policy

The Board of Education has an obligation to require that students of this district be present in school in order that they may learn. This policy is for the benefit of the students, their parents, and the community. According to the New Jersey State School Register Attendance Rules and Requirements, religious observance, college visits (limited to a maximum of three days per year for 11th and 12th graders), and “Take Our Children to Work Day” are the only recognized excused absences. Therefore, any absence, other than those mentioned above will be recorded on permanent attendance records and reflected on a student’s report card and transcripts. Students will either be present, absent or excused for the above‐mentioned purposes as per NJAC 6A:32‐8. Northern Valley will consider documented absences when considering loss of credit and privileges.

A student will be limited to 14 absences from a class per year. Semester courses are limited to 7 absences, Physical Education to 11 absences and one‐quarter courses to 4 absences (health & driver’s education).

If a student misses 15 minutes of any period, he/she will be considered absent from that class. If a student exceeds the number of absences, credit for that course will not be given and a T (withdrawn excessive absences) will be entered on the student’s record. The T will be included in the class rank computation. The student will be placed under supervision during that time in place of the withdrawn class. The student may take the course for new credit in an approved summer school. This policy applies to students who absent themselves from class for any combination of the following reasons:

    1. short‐term illness

    2. medical / dental appointments

    3. voluntary signing out during the day

    4. family vacations

    5. cutting / truancy

    6. military etc.

If a student is absent, a parent must call attendance between 7:45 – 9:00 A.M. stating the reason for the absence. Students receive a documented absence when they are absent from school for the following reasons:

    1. extended illness of three days or more with a medical verification presented within one week after the students return;

    2. death in the immediate family (length of time to be determined in each individual case by the principal);

    3. religious holidays as provided by law; these do not appear on student’s permanent record.

    4. court appearance; documentation from court required

    5. driver’s license examination ‐ road test (maximum of one day);

    6. county and state athletic events requiring early dismissal;

    7. administrative absences

When a student accumulates 4 or more unexcused absences to school, a plan will be developed to assist in maintaining regular attendance. Upon accumulation of 12 absences from a year course, 6‐semester course, and 4 from health, a hearing will be held with the Attendance Review Committee. Absences and tardies are part of the permanent record and the totals will appear on the transcript for all four years.

Students may appeal the decision of the committee to the principal, superintendent, and the Board of Education.

Student participation in all regularly scheduled classroom‐learning activities in each area of study is essential in order for each student to receive the maximum benefits of a thorough educational program. The entire process of education requires regular continuity of instruction, classroom participation, learning experiences, and study. The regular contact of students with one another in the classroom and their participation in a well‐planned instructional activity under the tutelage of a competent teacher are vital to this program.