
Student lockers are the property of the Board of Education. School officials have the responsibility to protect all students and have the right to search school lockers should there be reasonable suspicion that safety is threatened or contents could include controlled dangerous substances. The student hall lockers are in excellent condition in September, each with a locker number tag.

Students are expected to keep their lockers in good condition. Heavy fines will be levied for damaged lockers. If your locker is damaged during the year, report it to the assistant principals.

DO NOT KEEP MONEY OR VALUABLE ARTICLES IN YOUR HALL OR GYM LOCKER AND DO NOT PRESET YOUR COMBINATION. Valuable articles include calculators, expensive jackets, jewelry, money, or items being sold by the class to raise funds. The school is not responsible for the theft or loss of such items. The right to inspection of students’ school lockers is inherent in the authority granted school boards and administrators and should be exercised so as to insure parents/guardians that the school, in pursuing its ‘in loco parentis’ relationship with their children, will employ every safeguard to protect the wellbeing of those children.”