Tardy to Class

There is NO tardy slip for tardiness between classes. Students who are late to a class must make up this time with the teacher after school. The student will not be sent back to the previous class teacher for a pass. The student may present the excuse, where possible, after school. A student who is more than 15 minutes late to any class will be considered absent from that period.

Tardy to School

All students arriving between 7:40 – 7:55 A.M. should report directly to class where their teacher will mark them late. Students that arrive after 7:55 AM or leaving school early must sign in or out at the Attendance Office. Parents must contact the attendance office when a student is late after 7:55 A.M. so that the child will not be considered cutting a missed class.

If a student misses an announced test or quiz due to unexcused tardiness (i.e. tardiness that is NOT due to a driver’s test, religious holiday or court appearance or pre-approved by the administration) or truancy (i.e. parent did not report the absence or late by 7:55 AM), rather than receiving a zero, they will be required to demonstrate their academic competency by completing the assignment/assessment or another performance task they missed in a timely manner. The corrected assignment/assessment/task will be graded, and the student will earn 65% of the new grade (i.e. if a student earns a grade of 90% on the late work, they will receive 58.5% in PowerSchool). The timeline to complete the work will be established by the teacher, guidance counselor and/or case manager, assistant principal, and student. Failure to take advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate academic competency will result in a zero for that assignment/assessment.

Habitual tardiness to school is not acceptable behavior at Northern Valley and will be dealt with according to the following disciplinary procedures:

Eight unexcused tardies will be allowed during the school year. Beginning with the 9th tardy the student will be assigned 10 consecutive days of detention at 7:15 a.m. or 3 p.m. in the designated room. Failure to attend 10 consecutive days of detention will result in additional disciplinary action that could include suspension, in addition to the outstanding detentions.

    • Consequences for additional lates:

    • Every late after 9 = 1 additional detention(Must be served the day of the tardy)

    • Every 5 lates after 9 will result in progressive disciplinary measures which will include, but is not limited to, one or all of the following: Saturday Detention, suspension, removal of privileges and assigned seating during lunch.

    • Off‐Campus and Senior Service privileges are removed permanently when a student reaches 11 tardies.

    • Continued tardiness or failure to complete outstanding detentions may result in a student being considered not in “good standing”, which will result in removal of additional privileges such as parking, class trips, network use, proms, graduation exercises, unassigned free time which can include lunch, etc.

  1. Any student entering school after 9:30 a.m. or leaving prior to 12:30 p.m. may not participate in any extracurricular or co‐curricular activities (any sport or club). Students who are in school for any part of the day are required to complete the work, including examinations, in the classes that they attend. Any student entering school after 9:30 a.m. or leaving prior to 12:30 p.m. on a Friday may not participate in any co‐curricular or extracurricular activity that weekend.

  2. Absences, tardies and suspensions are part of the permanent record/transcripts and may affect selection into the National Honor Society.

Habitual Tardy Discipline

Progression for 14 or More Tardies

In addition to one detention for every one time late to school

  • 14 = Parent contact, Saturday Detention

  • 19 = Mandatory parent conference with student, guidance counselor, and assistant principal, Saturday Detention, Parking Privileges suspended.

  • 24 = In‐School Suspension, parent contact, permanent removal of Parking Privileges, Loss of the class trip (if applicable), assigned seating during lunch until behavior improves.

  • 29 = Participation in the SAP Program or Out of School suspension, mandatory parent conference, loss of the prom and all senior activities (if applicable), and the continuation of assigned seating during lunch until behavior improves.