Discipline Policy

Northern Valley’s discipline system is designed to fulfill the following purposes:

  1. Foster the health, safety, social and emotional well being of students.

  2. Support the establishment and maintenance of civil, safe, secure, supportive and disciplined school environments conducive to learning

  3. Promote achievement of high academic standards.

  4. Prevent the occurrence of problem behavior.

  5. Establish parameters for the school responses to violations of the code of student conduct and to establish parameter for the intervention and remediation of student problem behaviors at all stages of identification. A discipline point code has been established which categorizes various disciplinary difficulties. When a student is adjudged guilty of an infraction, points are awarded. At the accumulation of 12 points, a student is assigned the first phase of the sustaining program. Continued accumulation of points will lead to Phase #2, Phase #3, etc.

Phase #1

  • 10 successive days detention at 7:15am – 7:35am or 3:00-3:20pm.

  • Student and parent contacted by the assistant principal.

  • The administration reserves the right to remove all privileges until the 10 days detention are completed.

Phase #2

  • May include Saturday Detention, In‐School Suspension and/or 1‐3 day Out‐of‐ School Suspension.

  • Student and parent conferences with assistant principal.

Phase #3

Students will be placed on home suspension for a prescribed number of days. Any student who is guilty of continued and willful disobedience of school rules, regulations, and policies shall be liable for extended suspension. Any student not in good standing will have their privileges’ revoked.

*For the full Conduct/Discipline policy (including Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying), please refer to Board Policy #5131.