Concerns & Appeals 'Chain of Command'

To help process classroom concerns in a timely and efficient manner, families are encouraged to follow the administrative ‘Chain of Command’. Our goal is to resolve misunderstandings and to problem-solve conflicts as close to their source as possible while providing a process of appeal if needed.

  1. Direct and informal communication should generally be the first step. For classroom-related concerns, families are encouraged to discuss the issue directly with the TEACHER.

  2. If the issue is unresolved, families should contact the GUIDANCE COUNSELOR, who may conduct a problem-solving meeting between the student and the TEACHER or the student, the parent and the TEACHER as deemed appropriate.

  3. If the issue needs to be addressed further, the SUBJECT SUPERVISOR may hold a meeting with the appropriate parties to seek a resolution to the issue.

  4. If the issue is still unresolved, families may appeal to the PRINCIPAL, who will review the details and conduct a meeting with the appropriate parties as needed.

  5. If families believe the issue is still unresolved after involving the PRINCIPAL, appeals may be made to the SUPERINTENDENT, who will review the details and work to find a resolution.

  6. If families believe the situation remains unresolved, a process of further appeal process will be presented. This may involve formal communication with the BOARD OF EDUCATION.

Issues outside of the classroom, such as discipline or attendance, may involve the ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL. If the contact with the ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL fails to resolve an issue satisfactorily, an appeal may be made to the PRINCIPAL. The SUPERINTENDENT should only be consulted if there is no resolution after involving the PRINCIPAL.