Technology Care/Expectations

Students are expected to keep their device in a protective case or cover. They should follow procedures for care and use as discussed by their teachers and administrators. When a student takes the school‐issued device home, they are reminded to adhere to our network computing policy.

Students are expected to be prepared and bring a charged and ready laptop to school. If a student habitually is not prepared, a call will be made home for assistance from their parent/guardian. Additionally, the student’s class participation grade will be impacted. In the event that the device is used inappropriately, students will be subject to our disciplinary code of conduct. Parents/Guardians are expected to monitor their children’s computer use while outside of school and address any possible inappropriate use.

As a reminder, the administration reserves the right to limit or suspend the issued computer privilege. Teachers can establish their own procedures for use of technology in their classrooms and the student must comply. Teachers may allow additional technology in their classrooms (e.g. tablets and phones) to be used at the teacher's’ discretion. The school policy on cell phones will be in effect and enforced at other times.