Disciplinary Action for Infractions of School Rules and Regulations

School Rules and Regulation Points

1. Failure to report to office when tardy to school: 6

2. Students in halls, lavatory or unauthorized areas of the building without a pass: 2‐4

3. Inappropriate Conduct: 6‐12

4. Use of profanity or obscene language, either spoken, computer generated,

or on wearing apparel is not permitted: 6‐12

5. Insubordination to staff: 6‐12

6. Truancy: Conference with Assistant Principal Apply Absence /Cut Policy

7. Cutting compensatory education, tutoring or teacher assigned detentions: 3

8. Leaving school grounds or outdoor commons, without permission or any

unauthorized area. “Hill”,“Stumps”, Parking lot, etc.: 12

9. Vandalism anywhere on school grounds or in the school building: 6-12, Payment & parent contact

10. Fighting (Complaint may be filed with police and 3‐5 day suspension): 6‐12

11. Unsportsmanlike conduct and inappropriate behavior at any school function: 6‐12

12. Forgery or alteration of school papers, records, or school passes: 6‐12

13. Careless driving or violation of parking regulations: 6‐12 and/or denial of driving privilege

14. Inappropriate conduct while on, boarding, or leaving a school bus: 6‐12 and parent contact

15. Theft anywhere on school grounds or anywhere in the school building: 6‐12 and parent contact

16. Use of tobacco products in the building or anywhere on school grounds: 10 days detention and 12 points

17. 2nd and subsequent offenses, in the building, will result in a complaint

being filed with the Demarest Police and shall result in a court appearance

and fine. These records will be kept for all 4 years and not be eliminated at

the conclusion of each school year as with other discipline. (see BOE policy)

18. Possession of tobacco products including “e” cigarettes: 12

19. Violation of network computer policy (BOE Policy 3514.1): 6‐12 ‐ suspension

20. Cutting class:

    • 1st time 6

    • 2nd time 6

    • 3rd time 6

21. Endangering or causing injury (whether intentional or accidental) to a student

or faculty member: 3‐10 days suspension

22. Unauthorized use of school elevator: 6

23. Playing cards/gambling: 6

24. Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying: Consequences as per BOE Policy 5131

25. Cheating/Plagiarism 12

26. Security Breach/Endangering Welfare of Others: 12/Saturday detention

27. Theft of a laptop: 1‐3 day suspension and mandatory report to police

28. Unauthorized video or audio recording: 12‐/suspension

29. Creating private Internet connection to bypass our network: 6‐12

30. Tardy to School: see Attendance Policy progression

All points accumulated in June will be carried over into the following year.

The administration reserves the right to assign additional penalties which may result in the removal of privileges such as parking, class trips, network use, proms, graduation exercises, etc., depending on the severity of the infraction. If a student is charged by law enforcement with a crime in or out of school, administration reserves the right to review the charge in light of safety and security concerns, and participation in co‐curricular and extracurricular activities, including athletics, may be impacted or restricted as participation in these activities is a privilege. At the end of each marking period, any student who has not completed their detentions will be considered a student not in good standing.

* Discipline may be assigned for offenses not listed at administrative discretion.

The administration may enforce any/all of the following consequences for students found to be not in good standing.

1. Termination of off‐campus privileges for free/unassigned periods.

2. Termination of parking privileges.

3. Assigned to a designated area during unassigned time that includes lunch.

4. Denial of attending (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) class trips.

5. Ineligible for the Junior or Senior Prom.

6. Ineligible for Structured Learning Experience.

7. Ineligible for Graduation exercises.

The administration reserves the right to utilize the above‐mentioned consequences for violation of the school code of conduct whether in person or online.