Music Education

Music at McCaw is amazing. Mr. Jolly follows the Orff approach to teaching, which consists of a focus on student creativity and active music making. Students sing, dance, and play instruments all while learning how to create their own musical ideas using the elements of music. In addition to classic Orff xylophones and hand percussion instruments, Mr. Jolly incorporates class sets of world music drums, recorders, ukuleles and ocarinas! Mr. Jolly also has a set of Steel Drums he teaches as an extracurricular. McCaw’s varied and well stocked instrument supply is the envy of the district. In addition to the Steel Drum club, Mr. Jolly also has an extra curricular choir as well as brings students to participate in the CCSD district wide Orff Festival every year. Mr. Jolly regularly integrates other subjects and art forms into his music class with theater arts being the most common. Overall, music at McCaw is active, collaborative, creative and fun!