Student Magnet Contract & Code of Conduct


The Magnet contract outlines the expectations for the performance and continuation at McCaw Elementary School, STEAM Academy magnet program. Every student enrolled at McCaw is held to this contract.

If you have questions please call (702) 799-8930 and ask to speak to the McCaw STEAM Academy Magnet Coordinator.


We are a Magnet Schools of America school and will be hosting events, special guests, and tours; therefore, it is imperative that we can share the pictures taken during those events throughout the year. 


Please help us when completing your on-line registration (OLR) by paying special attention to the Release Agreement Directory Information tab and the Media and Public Release tab. See the below example. If you are in agreement with the McCaw STEAM Academy Magnet Media Release please check the box below. If you have any questions please contact the front office. 



Students choosing to bring a laptop or other device to school, as directed by their teacher, need to have the BYOD form (CCF-590) completed and kept on file at school. 

School Safety: CLOSED Campus


All outside gates/doors will be locked once instruction has begun.   Parents wishing to conduct official school business may enter the school through the front door entrance. Whenever it is necessary to pick up your child during school hours, picture identification will be required. Students will be released only to those adults listed on the registration card in the office. All parents will sign a log at the front office. Extreme care is exercised at all times when releasing children from school. Students are not allowed to leave campus during the school day unless prearranged by the parent with a staff member of the office. Any student allowed to leave campus must sign out in the office before leaving school and sign back in when returning. Parents picking their child up from school will be asked to present an I.D. for the protection of all students. The early release cut off time is 3:20p.m. After that time, students will be released at our regular dismissal time of 3:40p.m.


All visitors must sign in and obtain a visitor’s badge with the office personnel before going anywhere on campus. This is for the protection of all students. Parents should schedule an appointment with their child’s teacher for school-related business. It is recommended that parents not remain in classrooms for an extended period of time as this impacts the classroom learning environment.  It is also policy to ensure that students learn to build independence and self-help skills in the school setting.


The telephone may be used by students only in case of an emergency.  Lost or forgotten homework, books, or lunch money, permission to visit a friend after school are not considered emergencies.


Bicycle & Scooter racks are available at school, and all bikes & scooters must be locked. The school is not responsible for loss or damage to bikes, scooters, or skateboards. The following rules apply to students riding a bike to school:


Please label student’s name in ink on coats, lunch boxes, and personal possessions. Students should not bring toys, balls, radios, skateboards, roller blades, cameras, and other such items. If a student must bring a cellular phone, it must be stored in their backpack. The school will not be held responsible if they are lost, stolen, or broken. Children bringing personal items or other unnecessary items will have them confiscated by the classroom teacher, aides, custodian, or principal. Items will only be returned to the parent. Dangerous items such as knives, sharp objects, weapons, ammunition, toy knives, water pistols, and fire crackers will result in suspension or possible expulsion.

McCaw Grading Policy

McCaw Grading Policy Revised May 2023.docx
Successful Learner Behavior Rubric McCaw.docx

CHAMPS: A Positive Approach to Classroom Management


School-Wide Common Voice Level Expectations

Posted in every classroom and common area:

CHAMPS: Positive Approach to Classroom Management

Student Incentive Programs


Following each report card period, each classroom teacher will award one student with the Most Improved Award demonstrating the most academic growth and personal growth as a student.  Each trimester the classroom teacher will recognize students on the A/B Honor Roll, and Straight A Honor Roll, and perfect attendance awards.  

The end of the school year awards will be structured in much the same way as the first, however, additional awards will be included such as Perfect Attendance for Year, Outstanding Attendance, and Specialist Awards for Art, Music, Physical Education, and Library.


After each of the Structured Writing Assessment, the teacher will select THE BEST writing sample from their class and the author of that writing sample will be awarded the “Outstanding Writer’s Award.”  This student will be invited to BRING THEIR OWN lunch to participate in the “Outstanding Writers’ Luncheon (OWL)” and read their writing sample to the group. 


Monthly, Individual Attendance Awards


Each class will be given a chance to earn the “STAR student expectations” for each specialist period (P.E., Art, Music, and Library).  Each class will keep track of how many points they earn for each specialist class, by keeping their STAR point slips and a running total.  The Specialist will develop a plan to reward student achievement when they reach their goals.


We will recognize students through our "Gordy Rewards" by distributing them to students for exhibiting exceptional citizenship, kindness, and outstanding manners around our campus.  Students will write their name and teacher on the back of each one and turn it into the front office to our "Gordy Box."  You may also send them up with attendance folders each day.  Periodically, at announcements, student names will be drawn from the box and announced as “Gordy Reward Student Winners.”  The students who hear their names read during announcements will get to pick a prize from the Gordy Treasure Box. 


Throughout the school year to celebrate holidays, College Awareness, Nevada Reading Week, and special events we will have a variety of ‘Spirit Days.’  On these days students will be allowed to wear specific colors, costumes, and/or specific items of clothing.  Students must still adhere to the CCSD Dress Code Regulation.


Each month, the teacher will select one student to receive a citizenship award based on our monthly theme.  These students will be recognized and celebrated through eating lunch with administration, a certificate, and a photo displayed in the front office. 


Permission slips are sent home with field trip info. 

If you have misplaced the forms click below. BOTH FORMS are required

Student Medical Permission Form (CCF-455)

Field Trip Permit (CCF-796)