Academic Plan of Operation


Clark County School District McCaw STEAM Academy School Performance Plan: A Roadmap to Success McCaw STEAM Academy

 This plan was developed by the school’s continuous improvement (CI) team and informed by a comprehensive needs assessment that included data analysis and meaningful engagement with the school community. It includes the school's goals and process developed during Act 1. The CI team will monitor implementation throughout the school year and evaluate and update the goals at the end of the year.

Nevada Report Card Accountability Report or for more information go to 

Clark County School District 

Assembly Bill 195 Translated Versions 

All Clark County School District public and charter schools that enroll English learners are required to post a copy of the rights described in Assembly Bill 195 (AB 195). Please click the link above to access translated versions to learn more information about AB 195.

Clark County School District  

School Safety Requirements and Updates at McCaw

School safety remains a top priority. Please refer to the following updates focusing on school safety:

School Safety Requirements

●   In order to optimize the security of schools in the Clark County School District, Emergency Management requires that all classroom doors are locked at all times during the instructional day.

●   Single point of entry and visitor management procedures are required for all schools.

●   The provisions of Article 12-1 of the Negotiated Agreement between CCSD and CCEA shall be implemented prior to the first day of student attendance and shall be included in faculty handbooks.

 School Safety Updates

●   The Board of School Trustees was presented with revisions to the Clark County School District Pre-Kindergarten–12 Student Code of Conduct in June 2022, including:

○     Clarifications and specificity regarding infractions and consequences.

■      Physical Altercation will be added as a disciplinary infraction.

■      Fighting will be changed to a major infraction.

■      Campus Disruption will be a recommended expulsion referral for severe disruptions, including severe fighting.

○     Major Disciplinary Infractions resulting in a recommended expulsion referral with removal from a comprehensive school with an opportunity for re-engagement.

■      Battery to Staff or Students Resulting in a Criminal Citation

■      Sexual Assault

■      Distribution of a Controlled Substance

●   Any student possessing a firearm or any dangerous weapon defined by Nevada Revised Statutes 392.466 will be referred to the Expulsion Review Board aligned with District Policy/Regulation 5114.2.