Early Childhood Programs

Early Childhood provides educational services for children aged three to five in high-quality Pre-K programs for children without disabilities. These programs can be found on the majority of elementary school campuses in conjunction with a variety of federal and state-funded sources. 

KIDS Program

KIDS (Kids Integrated Delivery of Services) 

Our KIDS program at McCaw supports early childhood autism students. 

KIDS program places a focus on student growth and learning through a specially designed curriculum. It is taught through behavior reinforcement and structures along with embedded language and communication strategies. ABA and positive reinforcement methods are used through best practice developmentally appropriate strategies within this highly structured setting.

Students are placed into the KIDS programs through Early Childhood Case Management after receiving eligibility and placement through the Child Find Department in CCSD Student Services Department. For more information please reach out to:

Child Find for referral information email childfind@nv.ccsd.net or go to http://ssd.ccsd.net/child-find-department/

Office contact: (702) 799-7463 

KIDS Daily Schedule .pdf

Nevada Ready Pre-K Program

Children enrolled in the program must be 4 years old by September 30 and families determined to be income eligible below 200% of poverty level. All programs must provide a minimum of 5 hours per day or 25 hours per week of Pre-K class time and follow the attendance policy of the local school board. Class sizes and child/staff ratios must not exceed the following: 

• Classrooms will have no more than 20 children with 2 adults. 

• The referenced 2 adults will be 1) An appropriately certified and licensed teacher, and 2) An appropriately certified teaching assistant.

The percentage of eligible children with disabilities served is not less than either the percentage of four-year-old children served statewide through part B, section 619 of IDEA (8.7 %), or the current national average, whichever is greater, and is no more than 50% per classroom. Individualized accommodations and supports ensure access and participation for all children.

For more information please review the following FAQ document, FAQ Nevada Ready Pre-K