

Soccer Moms - Nanas - Sisters - Cousins - Aunts - Wives - Friends...

Our girls need you - YOUR girls need you!

As a gender-equitable club, we promote a #FemaleForward set of programs to increase the number of women (below the provincial average of 25%) represented in leadership roles in our club to at least 40%. "You can't be what you can't see", so we've got; She's Got Goals!

We offer a Friendly, Affordable, Inclusive, Responsible place for girls to play - It's only F.A.I.R.! We hope to keep girls in our game by offering more female coaches and referees as mentors. We offer Female Only coach and referee courses as well as co-ed.

We aim to recruit and retain more women to coach girls’ teams, leading to higher female participation. We need to increase the volume of women involved in coaching to provide our girls with role models and the opportunity to envision themselves as future leaders and coaches. As stated by LaVoi and Leberman in the Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching, 

“a lack of women coaches also means girls have few, if any, active female role models, therefore making it less likely that girls will view coaching as a viable and available career pathway”. 

We intend to disrupt this cycle!

Register online for your daughter to play soccer with us and register to participate in our Female Coach Mentorship Program to become a Fully Qualified Coach!

Contact us if you are interested in participating or helping! ForFemales@norwestsoccer.com