
Staff Development

Hello Faculty Member,

Use Chrome to go to the URL (see below) some time prior to the 4/20 staff development session. You will be able to download a copy of the Google Form I use to collect email addresses. Your downloaded copy will be located on your Google Drive. Insert a copy of this Google Form on your own class site. During each of your classes, have your students use their own smartphone, a Chromebook, or a computer to visit your site and complete the form. (Students who do not have their own smartphone can borrow a friend's phone once their friend is done.) This should only take a few minutes out of your class time.

During the staff development session on 4/20, I will show you how to use Excel to organize the information you collected from your students, upload the data into Google Contacts, and create useful group lists. By the end of the session, you should have an organized contact list that is ready for immediate use. You will be able to quickly and easily use Google Mail to send individual or group emails to all the students and/or parents in your contacts, or only to specific sub-groups that you create (i.e. - all parents, all students, all parents and/or students from a certain period or periods, etc.).

Get a copy of Scott's Google Form for data collection.

If the above link doesn't work, copy and paste the address (below) into your browser:


The steps we will follow on 4/20 to create our group lists are summarized in the document below.

Steps for Creating Contact Groups for Gmail.pdf