College Prep

quarter 1

description of assessments

To see the grades earned on past assessments, please visit the Infinite Campus Portal.

When viewing the dates of future assessments, please understand that whenever plans are made in advance, unforeseen circumstances may necessitate a change.

QUARTER 1 ASSESSMENTS (9/3/19 - 11/8/19)

  1. "Email Entry Bonus" (9/3/19) -- Students who provided me with two working email addresses on the first day of school (one address for the student and one for his/her parent) were awarded 1 bonus point.
  2. "Part 1: Order of Operations" (9/10/19) -- The first page of this test was on using the PEMDAS acronym to simplify algebraic expressions. (Test Return Date: 9/18/19)
  3. "Part 2: Solving Linear Equations" (9/10/19) -- The second page of this test was on solving basic linear equations. This portion of the test contained a bonus question worth 1 point. (Test Return Date: 9/18/19)
  4. "Classwork Completion" (9/3/19 - 9/13/19) -- Consider this grade to be a measure of a student's level of effort. This grade is a two-week accumulation of points that I awarded based on several days of monitoring completion of class notes, classwork completion, class preparation, cooperative participation, and attentiveness. Any grade lower than a perfect grade is an indication that a student did not follow through with some of his/her in-class responsibilities.
  5. "HW Completion" (9/3/19 - 9/13/19) -- This grade is a two-week accumulation of points that I awarded based on checks of homework completion. In order to earn full credit, homework assignments must be presented on time and must be completed in their entirety with all work shown. Full credit will be awarded only if a valid attempt has been presented on paper for all assigned questions (even if questions have been answered incorrectly).
  6. "Relations & Functions (Basic Definitions)" (9/17/19) -- Most students used a Chromebook to take this test. Test topics include recognizing relations, functions, one-to-one functions, onto functions, etc. (Test Return Date: 9/25/19)
  7. "Function Notation, Determining a Function's Domain" (9/24/19) -- Test topics include using function notation and determining a function's domain. (Test Return Date: 10/10/19)
  8. "Classwork Completion" (9/16/19 - 9/27/19) -- See previous description.
  9. "HW Completion" (9/16/19 - 9/27/19) -- See previous description.
  10. "Special Functions (Chromebook Section)" (10/3/19) -- Most students use a Chromebook to take this part of the test. Test topics include recognizing special functions (based on given graphs or equations), identifying a function's domain & range, determining if a function is one-to-one, determining if a given pair of coordinates satisfies a given equation, etc. This 55 point test score is being multiplied by a scale factor of 0.764 so that it will carry as much weight as a 42 point test in each student's average. (Test Return Date: 10/10/19)
  11. "Special Functions (Graphing Section)" (10/3/19) -- Students are required to graph some special functions. (Test Return Date: 10/10/19)
  12. "Classwork Completion" (10/2/19 - 10/11/19) -- See previous description.
  13. "HW Completion" (10/2/19 - 10/11/19 -- See previous description.
  14. "Parabolas (Chromebook Section)" (10/11/19) -- Students are required to identify characteristics of parabolas. This 84 point test is being multiplied by a scale factor of 0.5 so that it will carry as much weight as a 42 point test in each student's average. (Test Return Date: 10/21/19)
  15. "Parabolas (Graphing Section)" (10/11/19) -- Students are required to graph parabolas. This 12 point test is being multiplied by a scale factor of 0.5 so that it will carry as much weight as a 6 point test in each student's average. (Test Return Date: 10/21/19)
  16. "Composition of Functions, Inverse Functions" (10/22/19) -- Students will use composite functions and students will determine the inverses of given functions. (Test Return Date: 10/29/19)
  17. "Classwork Completion" (10/15/19 - 10/25/19) -- See previous description.
  18. "HW Completion" (10/15/19 - 10/25/19) -- See previous description.
  19. "Scatter Plots, Trend Lines, Interpolation, etc." (10/25/19) -- Students will create a scatter plot and identify characteristics of scatter plots. Students will use interpolation/extrapolation to make predictions based on the appearance of a trend line. (Test Return Date: 10/29/19)
  20. "Classwork Completion" (10/28/19 - 11/8/19) -- See previous description.
  21. "HW Completion" (10/28/19 - 11/8/19) -- See previous description.