calculator alternatives

options 1, 2, & 3

If you need a basic calculator, a graphing calculator, or a scientific calculator and the one you need is not available at home, then consider using Desmos.

Desmos offers three types of calculator apps: a Four Function (basic) Calculator, a Graphing Calculator, and a Scientific Calculator. All are free to use. (But please be aware that DESMOS IS NOT APPROVED FOR USE ON IN-CLASS TESTS!)

Downloadable Apps

From the App Store or Play Store, you can download and install apps for the Desmos graphing and/or scientific calculators. (Your phone/device probably already has a basic calculator app. Typically, basic calculators come pre-installed.)

Web-Based Apps

You can also visit the web-based platform for all three calculators by Googling "Desmos" and selecting the type of calculator you desire.

Links and Instructional Documents

For your convenience, you can choose the appropriate link below to get started with Desmos right now. You may wish to read the instructional documents for the graphing and scientific calculators to help you get started.

Link to Desmos Four Function (Basic) Calculator:


Desmos Graphing Calc.pdf

Link to Desmos Graphing Calculator:


Desmos Scientific Calc.pdf

Link to Desmos Scientific Calculator:

option 4

If you intend to use a PC or Mac and you would prefer to work with familiar Texas Instruments products, then consider downloading free calculator emulating software from Texas Instruments. As of now, the software must be activated before June 30th of 2020. You can read more information about this software in the document below.

TI COVID 19 Calc Support (for site).pdf