A2 Unit 02 - Regression Analysis

Scroll to the bottom of this page to find homework answers that have not already been provided on worksheets. 

Do you wish to perform the tasks presented in this section but you don't own a TI-83 or a TI-84 to perform the regression commands?  Use the Desmos graphing calculator instead!

To be clear, you must learn to use a TI-83 or a TI-84 to perform regression commands because you will be required to use one when you take your unit test.  But when you are working at home, you can use the Desmos graphing calculator instead.  The Desmos calculator works differently, but it's certainly far better than having no calculator at all.  Here are links that can help you find what you need to get started with Desmos.

Do you need more help with regression commands on Desmos?

Regression is a topic that is also taught in the College Prep math course.  If you would like to see a video in which I use the Desmos graphing calculator to answer questions on the sample test given to my College Prep students at the end of their regression unit, the link below will bring you to the section of my class site containing those resources.  After you follow the link, scroll to Day 11 of that section of the class site to find both the College Prep sample test and a link to the Desmos instructional video.

Days 1-3 of Unit 02 - Regression Analysis

9/15/23, 9/18/23, and 9/19/23

Link to Video of Day 1:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1u4LuJd4fOHLVXKVRzuSCWRNg1pEdiIcL

Link to Video of Day 2:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KDailxp1g1Ww6jUFv1XFSlmse5w8fK-1

Link to Video of Day 3:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mKfPHN1hABzuXzRpnMWQUxWXJmfatU9R

↓ Handout ↓

01 - HO Intro to Scatter Plots, Regression, r.pdf

↓ Handout ↓

02 - HO Quad Reg & Perfect Reg.pdf

↓ Class Notes ↓

Notes - Unit 02 - Lesson 01-03.pdf

Day 4 of Unit 02 - Regression Analysis


Link to Video of Day 4:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UhUVPhzHCi_ZbGvho8Kh65T7PP3nkiMI

↓ Class Notes ↓

Notes - Unit 02 - Lesson 04.pdf

Day 5 of Unit 02 - Regression Analysis



Do you wish to see the answers to a homework assignment from this unit?  If so, use the link below.

Link to HW Answers:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1f2BiuFdPF7C9yN278U2mm48JMbjVGjTR