Naloxone Administration

  • Authorized By: District Director of Health 
  • Initial Effective Date: 4/12/2016 (LMS)
  • Replaces: On-Site Overdose and Naloxone Administration Procedure dated 4/12/2016 and revised 8/1/2016, 10/20/2021 (GM+SD)
  • Reviewed:  
  • Revised:  Moved to Google Sites and Updated 11/2/2021, 5/24/2023 (JLM)
  • Contact: Director of Clinical Services or Director of Population Health


To prevent fatal overdose on-site at all NKY Health Locations and syringe access exchange sites.


NKY Health provides harm reduction services to individuals who use opioids and other substances. Recent data indicate that many, if not most substances are unknowingly laced with Fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid that increases the risk for potential overdoses. While waiting for emergency services to arrive, there are interventions that trained staff can do for the individual. Having access to naloxone, that temporarily reverses an opioid overdose, can aid in saving a life while waiting for emergency services to arrive.


It may be hard to tell whether a person is experiencing an overdose. If you are not sure, treat it like an overdose - you could save a life. Signs and symptoms to look for include:

Small constricted “pinpoint pupils”

Falling asleep or losing consciousness

Slow, weak or no breathing

Choking or gurgling sounds

Limp body

Cold and/or clammy skin

Discolored skin (especially in lips and nails)


1.    Intranasal Instructions -For the Narcan nasal spray 4mg dose: Peel back the tab with the circle to open the Narcan nasal spray. Hold the Narcan nasal spray with your thumb on the bottom of the plunger and your first and middle fingers on either side of the nozzle. Tilt the person’s head back and provide support under the neck with your hand. Gently insert the tip of the nozzle into one nostril, until your fingers on either side of the nozzle are against the bottom of the person’s nose. Press the plunger firmly to give the dose of Narcan nasal spray. Remove the Narcan nasal spray from the nostril after giving the dose.


2.    Multi-Dose Vial Instructions - Draw up a full vial of 0.4mg (1mL) naloxone with the syringe supplied with the naloxone (1 inch needle). Administer naloxone in the victim’s deltoid (shoulder muscle), outer thigh muscle, or upper and outer quadrant of the buttocks. Clothing does not need to be removed to administer this injection.


3.    Auto-Injector (Evzio) Instructions - Pull auto-injector from the outer case. Pull off the red safety guard. Place the black end against the middle of the patient's outer thigh, through clothing (pants, jeans, etc.) if necessary, then press firmly and hold in place for 5 seconds. Injector should make a click and a hiss if activated correctly.


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