President's Page

Members, welcome to the 2023-2025 biennium. My theme is Recruit! Retain! Recognize! NC DKG Forever Strong!

I chose the triangle because it is the strongest geometric figure which symbolizes the goal for NC DKG to remain forever strong no matter what.

During the first year of my biennium, I will concentrate on increasing membership across the state by promoting an increase of 2% or more and provide support to chapters to robustly recruit.

I will coordinate with the Communications/Marketing Committee to provide marketing strategies that chapters can use to attract new members including college students and reach out to former members.

My second focus will be on supporting chapters in conjunction with the Membership/Expansion Committee to assist those chapters that may be facing dissolution to use the Teach to Lead document provided by the U.S. Department of Education to define the cause or causes why they may dissolve and to create SMART goals and implement a plan to prevent dissolution.

Along the way, I will seek updates on the two aforementioned areas for progress and report the results the second year of my biennium at the state convention 2025.

Thank you for your trust and confidence in me. With your support, dedication and commitment NC DKG will forever remain strong as we find ways to recognize and celebrate each other as we do the work of NC DKG.

Hilda Parlér

State President 
