Adding Comments in PTP

As you enter scores or flags for assignments, use comments to record specific details about student performance or accommodations for the assignment. You can either add comments manually by typing them into the space provided or by choosing from the comment bank (list of FPS bank comments). 

To enter a comment:

After clicking on the Comment icon in the upper rigt corner of the Score Inspector, you will be able to:

a. Enter a comment in the text box

b. Click Show Comment Bank.  You can search for comments by keywords or category. (Accommodations are labeled ACC and can be quickly located by searching for “ACC” in the filter box.)

c. Click the + sign next to a comment to select it

d. Click on the star next to a comment to “favorite” the comment. Starred comments will appear at the top of the comment bank).

4. Once a comment has been added, a blue comment icon will appear in the student’s score cell.

5. Click the icon to read the comment.

6. Save