Rachel Peterson


“To foster a connection with self and others through guidance of the development in one's body and mind.”

Curative offers a space for those seeking a safe space to explore their personal health journey while creating meaningful connections with others on a similar path. Alternative health options are becoming more common yet we have yet to see a center where they intermingle to create a wholistic and unique experience.

First Floor


The first view as you walk through the door and can go up the stairs or towards the juice bar and pharamacy.


Where you can pick up your prescription after your visit from the clinic.

Display wall for over the counter product.


An area for you to wait for your appointment.

Juice Bar

Here you can sit and relax while nourishing your body from the juice bar.

Stairs to second floor

Lengthwise Section

Crosswise Section

Second Floor

Waiting area upon entering the second floor

Yoga Room Lobby

The first thing you see before either going into the yoga studios or towards receptions for counselling.


Counselling Waiting Area

You can wait for your appointment or access into the meditation room by either facing towards the center or wall in front depending on wat you need.

Ceiling detail of the deatation room as this is the place where you can mentally grow.

Meditation Room

Screen of abstract leaves to act as a barrier and to allow you to get a glimpse of the room inside as you walk by.


Rachel Peterson

E: rpete467@mtroyal.ca

P: 587 215-9251