Solicitation & Fundraising

All fundraising activities and events must be pre-approved by the Office of Student Affairs. Clubs and organizations planning to engage in fundraising should fill out the “Fundraiser Approval Form.” Log-in to your MyMAC Portal Page, and go to the Student Affairs Hub. Click on the Get Involved dropdown menu and select Clubs & Organizations.  The form will be listed.   

For approval in advance of the fundraiser or solicitation. As a rule, only recognized College organizations may solicit funds/items and may use tables in the Cosgrave Student Center lobby for approved fundraisers.

Clubs and organizations can normally make purchases free of sales tax by working with the Business Office and utilizing the tax-exempt status of the College. Contact the Business Office (following a visit to IA, as noted below, if you will be soliciting businesses) for help in making the purchase.

Solicitation of businesses requires pre-approval by the Office of Institutional Advancement. This is needed because IA is often involved with solicitations on behalf of the College. Generally, approval will be granted to solicit small merchants in Cresson and surrounding communities. Larger businesses such as Sheetz (excluding their MTO program), McDonalds, and the banks generally will not be approved.

Most donors, where the amount is small (under $10 or $15) almost never care about deducting the contribution.

Tax deductions can only be taken where a donation has been made to a tax-exempt organization (technically a 501(c) 3 corporation). Mount Aloysius College is a 501(c) 3 organization; clubs and most student organizations have agency accounts with the College. This means that as long as the funds are processed through the Business Office and the correct documentation is performed, the donor should be able to take a deduction for the donations.

The IRS requires an acknowledgement letter from the tax-exempt organization for contributions of $75 or more in cash and in-kind (things other than cash), or $250 for cash-only donations. These letters are issued by IA but will only be done where the average individual contribution is expected to be $75 or more.

The contributor can evidence their donation in smaller amounts by retaining ticket stubs, receipts, programs or other materials.

Tax deductions can only be taken when the monetary donation exceeds the value of goods or services being provided to the donor, and then only for that difference.

The activities may take place off-campus (if pre-approved) without jeopardizing the tax issues discussed here.

There are special procedures for raffles that must be followed. Please see Student Activities.