Student Driver Policy

All College departments and students must adhere to this policy and procedure to minimize risk and potential liability to both the student(s) and the College.  

Students must obtain permission and complete the Certified Student Driver process before being authorized to drive any fleet vehicle and/or transport other students to/from College sponsored events or activities.  Students may not transport other students in a personal vehicle for liability reasons.

Motor Vehicle Operator Policy

The College operates a fleet of vehicles for the use and convenience of faculty, staff, and approved students to carry out assigned job responsibilities and/or official College business. Physical Plant maintains the College’s fleet and ensures routine/preventative maintenance and inspections are performed in a timely manner. The College reserves the right to approve/deny or revoke driving privileges of any eligible driver at any time in its sole discretion. Students should allow at least ten (10) days to complete the driver certification process.


The College may grant the privilege to drive a fleet vehicle to undergraduate students, in their sophomore, junior or senior year. Graduate Assistants (GAs) and Graduate Resident Directors (GRDs) may also become a Certified Student Driver

Students must have a regular, valid/unexpired Pennsylvania driver’s license or U.S. issued driver's license, be at least 20 years of age, and have at least 3 years of driving experience. 

Students who have a junior license are not eligible to drive a college vehicle.

Students must be identified and approved by a Department Director or Dean (with authorized signature) and complete the process below prior to driving a fleet vehicle. 

An Acceptable motor vehicle record (MVR) is also required in the state issuing the driver’s license. See section titled, “DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE MOTOR VEHICLE RECORD” below. Annual MVR check is required.


Allow at least 10 days to complete the Certification process which includes these steps:


MVR checks will be conducted annually on Certified Student Drivers. The College reserves the right to review any approved fleet driver’s MVR at any time for any reason in its sole discretion. Fleet driving privileges may be revoked at the discretion of the College. Any driver who fails to complete the required online training will forfeit their fleet privileges.



The VP for People & Mission Integration/CHRO and Sr. VP for Administration & Strategy have final purview to determine whether or not an MVR is acceptable. Two (2) categories of violations will be considered:

Type 1 Violations occurring in the prior five (5) year period will preclude an otherwise eligible driver from obtaining fleet privileges. A Type I violation that occurred more than five (5) years ago will be carefully reviewed with regard to facts, circumstances and time to assess whether or not fleet privileges will be granted. Type I violations include:

A Type I violation occurring as a student will result in revocation of fleet privileges which may be temporary or permanent. 

Type 2 Summary Traffic Violations Multiple summary offenses occurring in the prior three (3) years. The facts and circumstances will be evaluated and consideration given to type, frequency, and time between violations. An unacceptable MVR includes more than four (4) summary traffic violations; two (2) or more At-Fault Accidents or a combination of summary traffic violations and At-Fault Accidents that totals more than four (4) violations. Once three (3) years have elapsed from the date of a Summary Traffic Violation, or an At-Fault Accident, it will no longer be considered.


Following a change in the driver’s record, the College will re-evaluate whether or not a previously Certified Student Driver continues to be eligible for fleet privileges. 

A chargeable accident will be deemed an At-Fault Accident. Consideration will be given to time (how recent), frequency and type of other violation(s) that may exist. These factors and the perceived risk to the College and public safety will be considered. Certified Student Drivers will be given the opportunity to provide additional information.

If the MVR is no longer acceptable, the supervisor and appropriate Vice President or PEC member will be consulted to determine an appropriate course of action which may include driver training, suspension, and/or revocation of fleet driving privileges. The outcome of this evaluation shall be documented and forwarded to Human Resources so that the College’s Approved Driver’s List may be updated accordingly.