Community Standards

Students living in a community can reasonably expect certain standards of behavior from one another. Residence Life staff is available to assist, as requested.

  • You have the RIGHT to a safe and secure residential community living environment.

  • You have the RESPONSIBILITY to keep your room and door and hall/building doors locked and to not prop them or allow strangers in. You also have a responsibility to uphold all security policies and procedures; violations of these security policies and procedures put you and others at risk.

  • You have the RIGHT to a reasonably peaceful and quiet space in which you can sleep and study.

  • You have the RESPONSIBILITY to observe quiet hours, to keep your television, stereo, computer, and your voice at a reasonable volume in your room and within your hall/building/loft and to remind your guests and others that you expect the same of them.

  • You have the RESPONSIBILITY to communicate with your roommate about your guest plans and get their approval, ensure your roommate(s) and room/suite mates in your unit are comfortable and feel safe with the presence and behavior of your guests.

  • You have the RIGHT to privacy and to the proportionate use of your room, both in terms of space and time, and to be free of unwanted guests in your room.

  • You have the RESPONSIBILITY to let your roommate know of your wishes and preference of hours of sleep, study, and visitation, and to work through any difference you may have in a peaceful manner. You also have a responsibility to make sure your guests do not violate your roommate’s rights or interfere with the use of your room.

  • You have the RIGHT to express your needs and feelings about activities/behaviors of roommates when it infringes on your rights.

  • You have the RESPONSIBILITY to listen to your roommate’s needs and feelings and work toward an amicable resolution.

  • You have the RIGHT to the assistance of your RA, or other Residence Life staff members when you need help with a problem.

  • You have the RESPONSIBILITY to notify a staff person of your problem and request assistance in a timely manner and to cooperate with those involved as they work with you as you solve your problem.

  • You have the RIGHT to know what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in your living environment;

  • You have the RESPONSIBILITY to read the information provided to you by MAC. This includes, but is not limited to, your Housing Agreement, Residence Life policies and procedures, Student Handbook and the Code of Student Conduct. You may report any violation, whether or not you were personally affected by it.