Smoking, Tobacco, & Vaping Policy for Students

Smoking, vaping, and the use of all tobacco products inside of any building on campus is strictly prohibited in all campus facilities, including residence hall facilities, in order to lessen fire and health related hazards. In addition, the use of hookahs and other smoking paraphernalia is prohibited.

  • Tobacco products are not sold on campus.

  • Smoking is not permitted in and around all campus athletic fields.

  • Smoking outside on campus grounds is permitted ONLY in the three designated Smoking pavilions.

  • Smoking pavilions are located in the following outdoor areas 1) the southeast corner of Pierce Hall, 2) the northwest corner of Academic Hall, and 3) the south side of Saint Joseph’s Hall on the opposite side of the walkway. Smoking outside of these pavilions on campus grounds is prohibited and may result in fines issued by Campus Safety Department.

  • Open Flames: Fire or smoke producing articles, such as Bunsen burners, portable stoves, kerosene lamps, cut trees, incense and candles are prohibited in residence halls. Possession of hibachis, barbecue grills, smokers, potpourri burning units or other fire-starting devices or substances is prohibited in residences, as is their use in residential areas or adjacent outdoor space without staff supervision. Violators are subject to conduct action and possible criminal prosecution.

  • Campfire Policy: Campfires and bonfires are not permitted on campus property without written consent from the following offices: President, Vice President for Student Affairs, Residence Life, and Campus Safety.