Science - Year 10

From 2025, students in year 10 will have the opportunity to choose from two of five theme-based science units that will each run for a semester. These units will address the prerequisite learning required for those students looking to continue with Science in VCE, but with a focus on the real world applications of these concepts through the Science Inquiry skills which are also essential for VCE Science. In order to ensure a well-rounded scientific education, choosing an elective in semester one will impact which of the electives you can continue with in semester two.

*Note: When constructing your subjects through EDVAL- 'Science' will need to be chosen as this subject, however we will then select the relevant electives of Science during the course counselling process

Contribution: $30

Note: Science compulsory subject for all Year 10 students.





Environmental Science

Environmental Science

Sports and Exercise

Sports and Exercise Science

Health Science

Health  Science