Year 9 into 10 Career Resources

Whether you are thinking about taking on a VCE subject in year 10, or just want to try out new electives that may lead to VCE subjects in year 11, it is a good idea to do some research in advance.

Explore your Career Future

The Job Outlook Career Quiz will help you to understand your work style and to explore careers you might enjoy.

Database of possible careers, including their skills, interests and future growth.

Career Targets

What subjects are you good at and enjoy in year 9? See where they can take you.

Mount Erin Career Targets

Chisholm Career Insights

Explore possible pathways in Vocation Education and Training through Chisholm. This website includes videos and student stories about possible career pathways through hands on learning.

Chisholm Insights

Thinking about a trade career?

But don't know where to start? Here is a quiz to take to 'Find My Work Type'.

Interested in STEM Careers?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Click Here for more information.

VCE study designs

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) provides a detailed description of all VCE studies available in Victoria, called 'Study designs'. Mount Erin will provide a list of VCE electives available for year 10 students. You can then do some more research into the content of each 'study'.

The website is accessible here.

Your Personality

Knowing who you are and the strengths you have can help you find your place in the world of work. Take this personality test to discover your strengths, personal skills and possible career pathways this could lead to. Personality Quiz