3N3 Outdoor Education (OE)

Lesson 1: Risk Assessment & Management (RAMS) in PE

  • Apply RAMs principles to plan for Expedition

  • Apply Key principle and considerations for the management of injuries when planning for an expedition

Instruction 1:

  • Read through and understand the Severity and Likelihood scores and how they are combined to determine the Risk level of an activity using the PDF document on the right.

RAMS_likelihood & severity Score.pdf

Instruction 2:

  • Watch the two videos on kayaking and cycling and complete your Risk Assessment and Management (RAMS) on the hardcopy worksheet given by your teacher.

Lesson 2: Knots & Lashes - building a Trebuchet

Instruction 1:

  • Watch the two videos below on tying the clove hitch and square lashes.

Instruction 2:

  • In groups of 3s or 5s, try to construct a trebuchet that is able to launch a sponge ball. An example is shown to you below. Come up with a better one if you can!

Lesson 3: Navigation Skills in PE using Compass

  • Understanding Compass Bearing

  • To be able to Orientate Map to Terrain using compass

Instruction 1:

  • Watch the video below on how to use a compass.

Instruction 2:

  • Complete the worksheet below by finding the code words at the school field using the map on the worksheet and a compass.

Sec 3 OE_Orienteering_Compass Bearings_Students' Copy.docx