School Technology USE


The use of the internet is a privilege, and users are responsible for adhering to district procedures and guidelines.  The district has established extensive guidelines outlining user privileges and responsibilities outlined per administrative guideline.  Both a student and his/her parent/guardian are required to read, sign, and return this policy. 


AUP= technology acceptable use agreement (required for all district network and technology use)

RUP = Chromebook use acceptable agreement (required for Chrome Book checkout)

Students are prohibited from the

User Expectations

Appropriate Behavior

Inappropriate Behavior

Possible Consequences

Student properly cares for and manages their Chrome Book.

Minor Infraction Examples:

Major Infraction Examples:

Student is a good digital citizen - follows all district expectations

Minor Infraction Examples:

Major Infraction Examples:

*The above examples do not represent an exhaustive list of possible infractions and consequences.