
Zoom for Teleconferencing

Zoom is a teleconferencing tool that can be used for secure conferencing. This is an appropriate tool to use for teacher to student communication when face-to-face communication is not possible. HD video and audio provide exceptional video quality, participants can join from any device and Zoom allows for session recording and transcription. Make sure you are using the Chrome Browser and are logged in with your Mahwah account. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Go to mahwah.zoom.us

  2. Click SIGN IN

  3. If prompted, enter “Mahwah” as the domain

  4. Enter your Mahwah email and password if you are not automatically logged in

Video Conferencing Class Rules



Training Session Resources

Thunderbird Academy Training - August 2020

Basics of Using Breakout Rooms in Zoom

Using Breakout Rooms in Zoom.webm
Zoom - Breakout Rooms, Remote Control and Basic Best Practices

April 2020

Zoom Overview - Settings, Scheduling, Audio/Video Options, Security Options

Zoom for Teleconferencing

Two Minute Tech Tips

How to: set up a recurring meeting with no specific times, change your waiting room "message", and contact people while they're sitting in your waiting room

Zoom tips.webm