
Backchannel communication is a secondary conversation that takes place at the same time as an instructor-led learning activity, meeting or lecture. Digital technologies turn up the volume on these background discussions as a way to incorporate them as a formal part of a lesson, presentation or meeting while providing students with purpose, audience, agency and voice.  Let's take a look at how students can be inspired to impact their classroom, school, community and beyond by turning up the volume on their voice.

Benefits of Online Discussions


YO Teach!

YO Teach! is a backchannel web app teachers can use to create and moderate chat rooms for real-time student interaction. The admin features allow teachers to delete posts, mute students, control room access, and use the interactive features. Students can interact with teacher and peer posts by sharing text messages, replying to others' posts, voting, responding to polls, sharing and annotating pictures, and submitting drawings. YO Teach! can be an engaging way to encourage collaboration and social interaction among students. See how Common Sense Education rates Yo Teach.


On GoSoapBox, your students join a digital space where they can ask questions, contribute opinions, take quizzes, and more. It's easy to get everyone participating, it's fun for students, and you'll be able to quickly assess classroom comprehension. Your students interact anonymously, allowing them to contribute opinions and questions without worrying about the reactions of their peers.  As the teacher, you can see who said what in order to gain insight into personalized learning as well as prevent any inappropriate use.