
Check out the NEW MTPS PreK-5 Website.

Digital Running Records

Teachers College Assessments (TC Assessments) are often referred to as a running record. Oral reading running records are basically a way to analyze reading errors. The information gathered during this assessment helps teachers figure out the logic of the reader’s errors. The most useful aspect of the assessment is knowing that readers don’t make these errors randomly. There is always a reason for them. If you can figure out the reason, then you know where to target your instruction without confusing your students.

Digital Running Records

Thank you to Alysse Daches for providing these resources on TC Assessments.

McGraw Hill - ConnectED

ConnectEd Student Edition Tests
ConnectE: Create a Test

The resource below is currently being updated to reflect recent changes with Clever integration 9/2020

ConnectEd Set-Up Walk-Through

Thank you to Denise Varricchio for providing these resources for ConnectED

Linking ConnectED Activities to Google Classroom


e-Journal Workflow Overview
