Sun Tun

Hi my name is Sun Tun. I am a junior Geology major and Biology/Spanish minor. I am from St. Paul, MN but was born in a refugee camp in Thailand and moved to the U.S. when I was 6 years old. I enjoy spending my free time with my younger brother Samson, playing tennis, and eating lots of ramen!

November 8th, 2020

It didn’t feel good to see my community struggling, and it still doesn’t feel good to know that although the people of color are the backbone of this country, their voices are always ignored and neglected. COVID-19 provided me with a lot of time to reflect and understand that the local communities in the Twin Cities areas that comprised of low income, minority and marginalized people were most vulnerable and susceptible during this pandemic not only to the virus, but the discrimination (I just can’t believe Asian people everywhere were getting attacked and blamed for “bringing the virus”). Please stop sending thoughts and prayers and actually send helping physical assistance to those communities that need it the most, after all I am positive that the majority of the people of color in this country did just massively help save democracy by voting for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in this election.

November 15th, 2020

In all honesty, quarantine was a struggle, but it looks like we didn’t bite the bullet hard enough because now this virus coming back to take vengeance on all of us. Scientists predict that there will be an unprecedented surge in US COVID-19 cases after Thanksgiving. There’s going to be a lot of traveling and gatherings regardless of the warnings and it may as well be a wise choice at this point in time to keep that mask on at all times, social distance, stay sanitized, have a healthy hygiene, and layer up for the winter.

This winter presents a new holy trinity: the common cold, influenza, and coronavirus. You may be blessed with one of these three. However, it’s possible for an individual to contract and be infected with a combination of coronavirus and/or the common cold/ influenza. This is because each disease is caused by a different virus. Those who haven’t gotten their flu shots should do so now and staying hydrated is as essential at this point. It always seems to me that our bodies seem to try to trick us every cold season to not hydrate because it’s not as hot and we’re not sweating as much, but that’s the fatal flaw.