Hannah Grosse

Hi! My name is Hannah Grosse, I use she/her. I am a Biology major at Macalester, class of '22, with a concentration in Community and Global Health. I am also on Macalester's Track and Field team. I pole vault and run short sprints. I love to be outside, camping, swimming in lakes, eating s'mores, and sledding. I also love dogs!

Pandemic Journal Entries:

Nov. 22nd - "Another week another Covid-19 update. Seems like there is truly no end in sight. I’ve grown fully accustomed to online classes/the module system, and I panic at the sight of people’s full faces. This week with governor Walz’s new Covid-19 restrictions I felt a mix of emotions. I know it was necessary, as this pandemic has only continued to amplify, and people have become very relaxed in terms of taking the pandemic precautions seriously. At the same time it was hard for me as an athlete to acknowledge that there would be no more practice the rest of the module. I have grown so close and fond of my team. They are, and I say this quite literally, my only friends at Macalester. So it was a bit disheartening when mid practice, the athletic trainers came to tell us that we had to stop immediately, right then and there. This was also on Wednesday, a few days before the action was supposed to take place. I was very shocked that we still had class the next Thursday morning"

Nov. 29th - "Well to be transparent, I’m not entirely sure what to write about this week. Like most everyone else my Thanksgiving looked different this year. I didn’t have the usual family gatherings to see everyone, and share delicious food. I was fortunate enough to be able to go home to see my family... My roommates and I had a friendsgiving the previous week as most of my podmates left to go home until January. I am very sad about their departure, but we were able to have a nice family dinner before they all left. Going back to my family, I am very much a homebody, I could spend my unending amounts of time with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. They are my world, as we are so so close, again, blessed with no thanksgiving drama from my family. This break was so lovely, and much needed mentally. Sunday, was the first day I cracked open my laptop, and while I probably should have done so earlier, I have no regrets"