Kate Bond

Hello! My name is Kate Bond, I am a senior at Macalester College. I am a Neuroscience major, with minors in Chemistry, Biology and Data Science while on the pre-medicine track. I am also a member of the Woman's Soccer team at Mac. In my free time I enjoy being outdoors, water skiing, and playing with my dogs.

Pandemic Journal Passage:

November 22, 2020 -- "The article also mentioned that 4 weeks was chosen to result in two infection cycles which they believe would make a huge difference in decreasing infection and hospitalization rates. Is four weeks something that would really make a difference in the end though or are we just buying time until the release of a vaccine. Waltz even said this in his address, he told Minnesota that this lockdown was different than the one in March because we are ready for a vaccine. The world is changing fast but also so slow which is something I have been thinking about a lot. On one hand every day feels so similar to the last or even to a day three months ago but then again it's not. Just some food for thought I guess."