Milosz Fernandez-Kepka

Hi all, my name is Milosz Fernandez-Kepka and I am a sophomore from Las Vegas, Nevada. I am a Geography major with a potential Psychology minor. My hobbies include playing soccer and videogames with my brother, listening to music, and hanging out with friends outdoors. I also play soccer for the Macalester's men's varsity team.

I believe that controlling the virus’ spread once it is already in a large country like the U.S. is very difficult, if not impossible. In my opinion, the more viable thing to have done is taking precautions since the get-go and being prepared before the virus arrived on American soil. If the United States had closed borders earlier and taken the necessary precautions when the virus was emerging in China, it would have been much easier to cope with and thousands of lives would have been spared. This reiterates the importance of acting early and closing down borders, just like New Zealand, one of the countries that has successfully eliminated Covid-19, did. (Monday November 23, 2020)

The Covid-19 pandemic has had impacts on many different aspects of life. Arguably one of the most impacted areas has been movement or travel. Travel, and especially international travel, has been affected in a very unusual way, something we have never quite seen before. To limit the spread of Covid-19, more than 200 countries and territories worldwide have imposed measures that restrict or deter people from entering their respective borders. Never before has international travel been restricted in such a manner. (Monday December 1, 2020)