Marley Kehew

Hi everyone! My name is Marley Kehew (she/her/hers) and I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm a junior at Macalester double majoring in Geography and Environmental Studies, with a focus in Community and Global Health.

During the summer, you can find me biking to different lakes around the Twin Cities and reading outside, or listening to podcasts and walking along the Mississippi River.

Journal Entry: November 20th, 2020

"Our class discussion on climate change’s impact on public health issues makes me wonder: Will the COVID-19 crisis has encouraged more discussions about climate change and environmental degradation? At the beginning of the pandemic, we saw news covering how the global shutdowns were clearing areas of air pollution and cleaning local waterways (like in Venice). This seemed like a promising reflection on the ways in which human activities significantly impact our environment, but I have seen few discussions that focus on the ways in which emerging infectious diseases, like COVID-19, could actually increase in the future. When we finally move away from this pandemic (either through a vaccine, herd-immunity, or otherwise), I’ll be interested to see if we internalize and act on any of the climate lessons that COVID-19 poses, or if it will just “drain away and be forgotten, as the 1918 influenza pandemic largely drained away, its lessons ignored and its grim particulars seemingly blocked from memory” (Quammen 2020)."