Gabriel Berman

Hi Everyone:). My name is Gabriel. I use He and They pronouns. I am a senior anthropology major with a passion for Public Health and qualitative research. Over quarantine, I discovered a passion for water colors, meditation and going for long walks with my dog named Rueben.

November 17th, 2020:

"I think a main story here is of a people who have never had the government be a productive role in their lives. That is the only way I can explain it to myself. If one has never really benefited from the government, than why would they put their faith in it to care for them during these hard times? I get that a shutdown comes with real economic pain. Ideally, we would be able to mitigate the hardship of a shutdown through stimulus packages putting money in the pockets of those most affected."

November 8th, 2020:

"We are ruled by the economy! We live by it and we die by it! I wish we measured the validity of a given intervention by something other than the projected net capital gain. What if justice or happiness was the main goal of public health interventions? Would the work we do look at all different? Could we take an approach based in equity? What would it be like to live in this world?"