Cade Fink

Hi, I am Cade Fink. I am a senior Geology Major with an emphasis in Geophysics at Macalester College and I play Men's Soccer here. I was born in Oklahoma and grew up in a suburb of Chicago. In my free time, I try and be in the most populated place in the area, as I just love being around people. Tramping and hiking are some newfound hobbies the past year and hope to continue to travel and see the world as it is.

"If you did not know there was a pandemic going on, you would not be able to tell from this (video of Notre Dame crowd rush the field after a win). Looks like normal times. This does not look like the life I have lived the past few months. I have some of my closest friends living 3 minutes away from me, and I am too scared to go and see them because they are in a different bubble. I only leave my apartment for soccer, work, and Sunday MyBurger runs. And even when I watch a good football game, I get reminded of how the other half of America is spending time during this pandemic. Makes me question why I am putting myself though all of this." -Cade Fink