Sam Minogue

Hi everyone! Im Sam, I use he/him pronouns. Im a senior biology major at Mac. Im from Minnesota and in my free time I enjoy reading fiction novels and spending time with my cute little dog named Maisy (pictured to the left)!

November 9:

Things are going better this week in my family; both my mom and my sister are almost completely back to normal now. I’m grateful that they only had mild symptoms when so many others didn’t. The rising COVID case numbers around the country are definitely more apparent now, I hear about new cases from my family and friends all the time now. The recent announcement from the MN governor about putting more restrictions on bars and restaurants is good to hear at least. I am wondering if we will be going back into lockdown in the coming weeks/months.

November 20:

Today is the last day everything is open again in MN, the governor is shutting things back down because of the continued spike in cases. This second wave definitely seems a lot larger and crazier than a few months ago, everyday there are thousands of new cases. Unfortunately, here in the US many people still don’t want to believe covid-19 is real. I see tweets all the time from nurses who talk about people denying the severity of covid-19 even when these patients are in the ICU and all the way up until death! I just don’t understand how people are so willfully ignorant. I guess it’s just a really polarizing time because everyone seems so divided and apart.