Miranda Moulis

Hello, my name is Miranda (she/her), and I am a junior at Macalester College. I am majoring in Environmental Studies with an emphasis in community and global health. I enjoy reading, taking long walks, and cooking with my friends.

November 16, 2020

"The Supreme Court in my home state of Wisconsin is currently considering a challenge to the Governor’s mask mandate. Opponents of the mandate say that the Governor cannot issue multiple health emergencies. In May the Court struck down the Governor’s “safer at home order”, and in October the Court upheld a lower court’s decision to put a hold on the Governor’s indoor gathering limits. It’s no wonder why we can’t control the virus in this country"

December 4, 2020

"A motion was filed by some Native tribes and other interested parties to halt the construction of the Line 3 oil pipeline on the grounds that the thousands of workers required to construct the pipeline would be a massive COVID risk to those living in the area. I sat in on the hearing this morning, and all I can say is that I am shocked and appalled by the racist arguments I heard from the Public Utilities Commissioners. We lost the hearing 4 to 1."