
LPS has a paid subscription to Nearpod for students K - 12.

The updates that Nearpod has made are free to us until the end of the year.

What is Nearpod?

Nearpod helps educators make any lesson interactive whether in the classroom or virtual. The concept is simple. A teacher can create interactive presentations that can contain Quiz’s, Polls, Videos, Collaborate Boards, and more. You can access thousands of pre-built K-12 standards-aligned lessons or upload your existing lessons and make them interactive.

See how it works.

Nearpod Make every lesson interactive.mp4

Creating Your First Nearpod Lesson

Creating your first Nearpod lesson.mp4

Finding Lessons and Videos in the Nearpod Library

Find lessons and videos in the Nearpod Library.mp4
Using a Whiteboard during a Live Nearpod Lesson – Nearpod St.mp4

A Nearpod Tutorial on the Whiteboard Feature

How I'm Using Nearpod to Teach EVERY LESSON - YouTube.mp4

A Nearpod tutorial

A Nearpod tutorial