
Pro Loom - Thanks to Laura G.for creating this great video for Longmeadow Teachers. Learn how to use Loom Pro.

Murphy is learning Loom

Loom Pro Webinar.mp4

This is an alternative to using Quicktime to create a video for your students. Loom has a nice feature of using your computer’s camera to put your face or object in the bottom left corner. That’s great for students who like to see you and hear your voice.

You can either download the app or add the extension which shows up on your menu bar. If you download the desktop version, see below for a tutorial. The desktop app have more functions to use.

Send the link or better yet, download the video and put in your Google Drive since that may be easier if you are using Google Classroom. Plus, you will have that video secured in your Google Drive

The Loom Desktop version has more tools available and as of March 12, 2020, Loom Pro is free to all verified teachers and students at K-12 schools, universities or educational institutions who are using Loom for classroom work.

  • Drawing Tool
  • Highlight Mouse Click
  • HD Recording

Download the desktop version here - https://www.loom.com/desktop

Here is a video about the Loom - Desktop version

Loom Desktop App Overview.mp4