Choose Your Own Adventure with Google Forms or Google Slides

Choose Your Own Adventure Stories is a great way to keep your students engaged while learning.

The old Choose Your Own Adventure Stories in the 80’s and 90’s were fun but passive.

Then, creating them in Google Slides was cool because you could point your links to different slides but a student’s reflection was difficult to get unless you wanted to copy and paste from each of their slides. yuk!

Now, with some thought, and using Google Forms, you can make Choose Your Own Adventure Stories with, choices, images, reflections from students and even set the amount of characters they have to type using Response Validation. Now you can make them think critically to make a choice.

The process of building a good Choose Your Own Adventure Story requires a lot of planning for possible story turns and endings. Using a visual approach to planning the story can make it easier for students to plan and write. In my page on Choose Your Own Adventure Story, I have provided some templates to give you an idea.

Here are tutorials to help you create a Choose Your Own Adventure Story in either Google Slides or Google Forms along with some templates.

Using Google Slides to make a "Choose Your Own Adventure Story".

Using Slides

Video tutorial_ How to make 'Choose your own' adventure stories using Google Slides..mp4

Using Google Forms to make a "Choose Your Own Adventure Story".

Using Forms

1. Steam @ Home Ep. 10 - Creating A Choose Your Own Adventure Story With Google Forms.mp4
2. Choose your own adventure Google Form.mp4
3. Google Forms_ Choose Your Own Adventure.mp4

How to Create a Response Validation in Google Forms

4. Response Validation in Google Forms.mp4