Mac Tips 2023

These Video clips come from Apple and released in August, 2023 and posted by Miss_Forrest in Teaching and Learning.  These tutorial videos aims to help teachers new to using Mac become familiar with key features for organizing your work, sharing resources, and increasing your productivity. Even if you are very familiar with the mac, sometimes a little refresher course doesn't hurt. As a long time mac user, I found some new tricks.

Part I

mac series 1 Apple menu.mp4
mac series 2 Dock, finderad air drop.mp4
Mac series 3 system settings_software update.mp4
mac series 4 touch id.mp4
mac series 5 Input Output.mp4
mac series 6 Launchpad.mp4
mac series 7 Siri.mp4
mac series 8 Screen Savers, Privacy.mp4