What did Carlo Avegno do?

Carlo Avegno was an Italian officer of the Regia Marina during the Second World War, being decorated with the gold medal for military valor.

Carlo Avegno was born on 6 June 1900 in Meina and died in La Maddalena on 13 September 1943.

He was a student at the Livorno Naval Academy from 30 September 1913; on 1 October 1917 he was appointed Ensign. He participated in the last year of the First World War embarked on a surface unit and in the Italian-Ethiopian conflict (1935-1936) on a cruiser. From 1937 to 1939 he was assigned to the Higher Command in North Africa and at the beginning of the Second World War, in the rank of Fregate Captain, he assumed command of the destroyer Corazziere with which he participated in numerous war missions. Promoted to Captain on November 12, 1941, he completed the post of Chief of Staff at the Benghazi and Tripoli Marine Command, a post he held until the total withdrawal of the Italian Armed Forces from North Africa in May 1943. In June of the same year he assumed command of Marina La Maddalena and on 8 September he organized armed resistance, boldly opposing an attempted landing by superior German forces: he died in glorious action on 13 September 1943.

Source: MOVM

Why is there a street dedicated to him? 

Although his body was buried in La Maddalena, a street in Varese was dedicated to him. Carlo was linked to the city of Varese because his mother was from Varese, a "Galli", and because he stayed in the city in his grandparents' house in vicolo Canonichetta.