Bernardino Scapi, known as Bernardino Luini was an Italian painter of the Lombard Renaissance school, born in Dumenza around the years 1481-1482.

He moved to Milan at a very young age followed by his parents who sold chestnuts in the market in Piazza Duomo. Subsequently he became one of the most sought-after and loved painters in sixteenth-century Milan and its surroundings. Considered one of Leonardo's most important followers with his unique and revolutionary style he influenced many artists. he created a large collection of "Madonnas" which gave him various honors. These are works similar to Leonardo's style but also to that of Solario's art.

Luini settled and worked mainly in Lombardy and became famous mainly for his wall paintings in Lombardy and Ticino, characterized by the large number of moving figures, while always preserving compositional harmony.

He died in 1532 in Milan at the age of 52.

A street in Varese has been dedicated to Bernardino Luini because he was a great painter, loved and respected throughout the Varese area and his works are widespread in the province.


Bernardino Luini, Passione e crocifissione di Gesù, 1529, chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli, Lugano 

Bernardino Luini, Ragazze al bagno,, ca. 1520-1523, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano 


He also created several works in Switzerland such as "Passion and Crucifixion" , his most famous Renaissance fresco in Switzerland, painted in Lugano. In the same church where this great work of art is located, behind the median arch we can find "San Rocco and San Sebastiano", on the southern wall "The Last Supper" and in the first side chapel the "Madonna con Bambino and San Giovannino", also coming from the convent, probably from the door that connected the church to the cloister.


Inside the cemetery church of San Pietro in Luino one of his first fresco tests is the "Adoration of the Magi". In the Cathedral of Monza he is attributed the fresco in the presbytery with "San Gerardo dei Tintori" and in the oratory of San Vittore in Meda the "half-bust figures" of the tondos and diamonds of the frieze on the tramezzo. Thanks to these works he lived a period of great fortune at the beginning of the 17th century, whereas until a few decades before he was considered a minor artist or a weary follower of Leonardo.



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