Supporting effective maths teaching
with technology

Expert Panel discussion with LEO Academy Trust

Expert panel discussion - Reflections from the Maths focus study tour

The discussion featured an expert panel from LEO Academy Trust to explore the role of technology in the effective delivery of the maths curriculum.

Panelists were

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1. Introduction to the panel discussion

8. What did the maths focus study tour show?

Digital Strategy and change management 

2. What has been the EdTech journey at LEO Academy Trust?

3. Do you need to have a digital strategy in place before you can proceed with effective use within a particular curriculum subject?

4. What difference has senior leadership support meant for your progress with the adoption of technology to support everyday T&L?

5. What was involved to manage the required change?

6. What was the biggest influence on your approach to technology adoption?

9. What advice would you give to schools that have reverted back to offline practice post pandemic?

What is effective maths teaching and learning? 

10. Why should we use technology effectively in primary maths education?

11. How do you use EdTech tools to teach maths more effectively?

12. How can effective EdTech use enhance teaching and learning?

13. Do pupils surprise you with their use of the technology in class?

Getting the pedagogy right

14. Is the technology driving the learning or the pedagogy?

16. What is the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract) approach when applied to teaching maths?

18. How do you ensure the right pedagogical focus when using technology to teach maths?

23. How can technology enhance collaboration and interaction in class between learners?

Supporting staff 

15. How can you build confidence across your staff to try out new approaches with technology?

17. How do you ensure you use the right tool for the right purpose when teaching maths?

28. Why should already effective teachers that do NOT embrace technology change their approach?

26. How can technology help reduce workload?

Understanding Impact

19. How can you quantify the impact of technology use?

20. Why is is important how we articulate what is impact when considering purposeful use of technology adoption?

21. How can effective products and approaches engage pupils beyond our expectations and deliver genuine impact?

22. What does it feel like to be a child in a classroom at a LEO school?

Getting started

24. What role do your pupil digital leaders have in progressing technology adoption and effective use?

25. Simple ideas to get started with EdTech adoption Maths

Redefining Assessment

27. Has technology changed your approach to assessment?

29. Conclusion - with a message for Secondary School Maths teachers and the Prime Minister